In the installation Tolerance Test, the flamboyant and monumental human-animal creatures by the Rotterdam-based artist Charlotte Schleiffert gather in a circle. Is it a ritual performance, a communal gathering or will it end in a murderous brawl? You will soon find out. The spectators are at the center of the whole show.

Charlotte Schleiffert, an internationally renowned artist, is celebrated for her stunning portraits and the personal and powerful view her work provides on global inequality. For decades, Schleiffert has fantasized about hybrid creatures: people she encounters on the street, virtuosically crossed with celebrities from film, television, or photos from newspapers and magazines. The grotesque characters − painted larger than life on large canvases − are born from collages of times, styles, cultures and genders.

The theatrical exhibition Tolerance Test puts the viewer's tolerance to the test: to what extent can we still face the inequality in our current society?

Free access
Opening hours Thursday - Sunday 12:00 - 18:00
Entrance: Keileweg 18 (via the sculpture garden)
Verwoest Huis Brutus
Op woensdag 8 februari opent in Brutus (de nieuwe tentoonstellingsruimte van Atelier van Lieshout aan de Keileweg) de tentoonstelling Tolerance Test.
Metershoge fantasiewezens van Charlotte Schleiffert
Op woensdag 8 februari opent in Brutus (de nieuwe tentoonstellingsruimte van Atelier van Lieshout aan de Keileweg) de tentoonstelling Tolerance Test. In deze tentoonstelling kan publiek kijken en luisteren naar de 3,5 meter hoge, geschilderde mens-dier wezens van de Rotterdamse kunstenaar Charlotte Schleiffert.